Smitty can sell it all.
Auctions and Real Estate Listings
M. A. Smitty & Co. will put your real estate on the market with speed and efficiency. Our database and introduction to marketing techniques have tremendous response to quickly get your real estate before the most interested buyers. Some of our marketing includes:
- Signs
- Website based advertising
- Video
- E-mail blasts
- Targeted recipients
- Newspaper ads
- Press releases
- Brochures (mailed and distributed on the street)
The benefits of an auction:
- An auction will bring a buying public to your real estate. Most properties are sold within 30-60 days allowing you to sell fast and collect your funds in a more timely manner.
- At auction you set the terms, dates, deposits and closings. All facets of the process are under your control. No more conditional offers and inspections which are killing today’s real estate sales. Your property can be sold as-is with no warranties or guarantees taking the guesswork out of "will this property pass inspections and close".
- No more conditional contracts requesting you the seller to spend money on improvements in order to make a sale.
Imagine knowing that in 30-60 days your property will be sold and ready to close. Your closings are a contingency free process. Just set the date and time and close the property. It's really that simple.
Oftentimes auctions are the best way to determine a sales price especially with unique and different properties. M. A. Smitty & Co. prides itself on its perfecting of the perfect recipe for problem solving to produce the highest and best price for your real estate.